UCSB Lagoon.
Credit: Tony Mastres

 Training & Fellowships

UC Santa Barbara is unusual in that we are a highly ranked research university that maintains a very active commitment to the teaching and training the next generation of scientists. UCSB is regularly ranked in the Top 10 of “social mobility” indices, which means our training efforts not only advance science, but also provide opportunities to deserving students who otherwise might not have had the opportunity to pursue a scientific career. Fellowships are instrumental in training the next generation of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for scientific leadership.

 Endowed Faculty Chairs

Named endowed chairs are invaluable for recruitment and retention of our most successful faculty, and serve as permanent reminders of the commitment of our donors and their families.

 Targeted Research Efforts

We have major ongoing efforts focused on our four training areas: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Systems and Circuits Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Computational Neuroscience. Which is most important to you?

 High Tech Instrumentation

Cutting-edge research requires state-of-the-art instrumentation, from laser scanning microscopes to EEG and MRI systems for measuring neural activity in humans. Given the traditional strengths of UCSB in physics and engineering, we are always pushing the boundaries of the possible with our neuroscience technologies.

 Named Buildings & Laboratories

These bricks and mortar projects are permanent reminders of the commitment of our major donors and their families to ensuring UC Santa Barbara's excellence for future generations.


Bethany Innocenti
Development for the Sciences
UC Santa Barbara